Abu Dhabi 2018: May ’68 at 50

This year’s workshop of the AILC/ICLA Research Committee on Literary Theory will take place on 9–10 May in Abu Dhabi. Titled “May ’68 at 50: Politics and Literature,” the workshop will be hosted by New York University Abu Dhabi. Speakers will include Vladimir Biti, Anne Duprat, Divya Dwivedi, Jean Khalfa, Kyohei Norimatsu, Sowon Park, Robert Stockhammer, Galin Tihanov, Stefan Willer, Kang Woosung, and Robert Young. The program is forthcoming on this site.

Mihăilescu and Yokota-Murakami: Policing Literary Theory

Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu and Takayuki Yokota-Murakami, former members of the ICLA Committee on Literary Theory, have edited Policing Literary Theory, a new addition to Brill’s “TexTxet” series. Based on the Committee’s 2014 workshop in Osaka, the book features chapters by Vladimir Biti, Reingard Nethersole, Sowon Park, Marko Juvan, Kyohei Norimatsu, Péter Hajdu, Norio Sakanaka, John Zilcosky, Yvonne Howell, and the editors.